• 3433 North Rd #210 Burnaby BC V3J 0A4 CA

Invisalign First & Phase 1 Interceptive Orthodontics

By assisting in the correction of bite and misalignment issues early in childhood, Invisalign and Phase 1 Interceptive Orthodontics can help to avoid the need for more intrusive procedures later in life, including extractions and fillers. 

Phase 1 Interceptive Treatment

Before bite and alignment issues develop into more serious conditions, our Burnaby dentists offer an initial phase of treatment to help and address these issues. When your child is between the ages of 7 and 11 and still has a mixture of baby teeth and adult teeth in their jaw, phase 1 treatment usually starts.

Phase 1 treatment can last anywhere from one to two years. As a result, for many youngsters, the need for extractions in later stages of their orthodontic treatment can be minimized or perhaps avoided altogether.

Why Phase 1 Treatment is Useful

Phase 1 orthodontics can be very effective when used to help stop pre-existing abnormalities from getting worse, correct current tooth alignment issues, and speed up and simplify treatment. As a result, the dentist or orthodontist will be able to more easily correct abnormalities and prepare the mouth for both the present primary teeth and the incoming permanent teeth at this point in your child's development.

Oral Appliances Used During Phase 1

The recommended appliance for the first stage of treatment will probably vary depending on the particular requirements of your child. Space maintainers, braces on only a few teeth, retainers, expansion appliances, or the first set of Invisalign aligners can all be considered types of interceptive treatment.

Invisalign & Interceptive Orthodontics

Invisalign First aligners can sometimes be used to treat pediatric orthodontic issues like crooked teeth and narrow dental arches. A series of easily removable transparent plastic aligners make up an Invisalign First orthodontic treatment. Because they are detachable, your child may not have to give up any of their favourite meals while receiving therapy. Even brushing their teeth could become simpler and more enjoyable for kids who receive this straightforward therapy.


Phase 1 treatment is provided by dentists to correct bite and misalignment issues before they advance to more serious issues.

When youngsters are between the ages of 7 and 11 years old, they often begin phase 1 treatment.

One to two years may elapse between the start of and completion of phase 1 treatment.

With proper orthodontic treatments, many children can reduce or even eliminate the need for extractions throughout the course of their orthodontic treatments in life.

If you'd like more information about how Invisalign's first treatment can help better your child's smile, contact our Burnaby dentists today to book a consultation and ask any questions you may have.

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